Palm Coast Fishing Report

Yesterday afternoon myself and my clients had some questionable weather, with rain near by. We set out in search of some redfish in the shallows. Polling up to our first spot, a trough that often holds some bigger redfish, I cut up some fresh crab and mullet, hooked them on a 3/0 circle hook and sent them out. After a pesky catfish and a very short wait we were hooked up to a very nice fish. Half way through the fight, bam! We doubled up two nice redfish on the line. After landed them and snapped a few photos we sent them on their way, the day continued with lots more nice redfish! What a great afternoon on the water. Palm Coast Fishing has been great, and with some beautiful weather approaching now is as good as any to get out and do some catching!

Palm coast fishing
Palm coast fishing trips
Fishing palm coast
Palm coast fishing charters
St.Augustine Fishing charters

Palm Coast Fishing Report


Palm Coast Fishing Report