Palm Coast Fishing

   Grand Slam Fishing Report - Palm Coast and St. Augustine - 08/05/2023

    The waters of Palm Coast and St. Augustine have been teeming with exciting fishing opportunities over the past week. Anglers are having excellent results with both redfish and snook, while the tarpon fishing scene continues to offer thrilling encounters with these magnificent creatures.

Redfish and Snook Bite

    Redfish enthusiasts have been in for a treat lately, as the redfish bite has been outstanding. Anglers targeting these coveted gamefish have had multiple hook-ups and impressive catches from various locations in the area. The intercoastal waterways, oyster bars, and flats have been particularly productive spots to target redfish. Top baits have included live or cut mullet, shrimp, and artificial lures like soft plastics, spoons, and jerkbaits.
Snook fishing in the Palm Coast and St. Augustine area has also been on fire. Anglers have experienced terrific action, with snook showing a voracious appetite for a variety of baits. Live bait, such as shrimp and mullet, have been highly effective in enticing these hard-fighting fish. Artificial lures like topwater plugs, jerkbaits, and swimbaits have also been successful in attracting snook. Dock pilings, bridges, and mangrove shorelines have proven to be hotspots for snook angling.
Both experienced and novice anglers have found success targeting redfish and snook, making these popular species a great choice for anglers of all skill levels.

Tarpon Fishing

     While the redfish and snook bite steal the spotlight, let's not forget about the incredible tarpon fishing that continues to captivate anglers in Palm Coast and St. Augustine. These magnificent silver kings are still abundant in the area, offering anglers unforgettable battles and breathtaking aerial displays.
Anglers targeting tarpon have found success near the inlets, river mouths, and nearshore waters. Live baits such as mullet and crabs have been highly effective in enticing these powerful creatures. Large artificial lures like swimbaits and jigs have also produced impressive results when targeting tarpon.
It's important for anglers targeting tarpon to be well-equipped with heavy-duty rods, reels, and terminal tackle to handle these.


Palm Coast Fishing


Palm Coast Fishing